What We Offer
As an Elite Team of Cyber-Crime Specialists and Breach Response Operators, we offer a holistic and unique approach to breach response not offered by traditional IT-centric firms.
DefendMD’s cybersecurity solutions were developed exclusively to meet the needs and compliance requirements of medical practices.
Cybersecurity Guardians
Our principal team members have previously served in high-ranking positions related to cyber-crime and cyber-security in law enforcement, US military and government intelligence agencies, surveillance, forensics, enterprise-level information technology, corporate security, and the legal sector.
Strategic Security Operations
The DefendMD team expertly terminates infiltration, constructs cutting-edge defenses, negotiates demands, and ensures our clientele is covered for compensation as needed and is armored against future contravention.
Cyber Insurance Coverage
Traditional liability/business interruption insurance policies specifically exclude cyber risks. Cyber insurance mitigates financial losses from various cyber exposures. DefendMD offers a comprehensive suite of cyber insurance options to ensure your practice is properly protected.
Expertise. Defense. Recovery.
DefendMD’s elite team of cyber-defense operators is experienced in exfiltrating small and medium-sized practices from all types of cyber-security attacks and breaches, including:
- Malware
- Phishing
- Spoofing
- Social Engineering Attacks
- Backdoor Trojans
- Ransomware
- Third-Party Exposures
- Password Attacks
- Internet of Things Attacks
- Drive-By Downloads
- Crypto-Jacking
- Denial of Service Attacks
We work with our clients on preparedness, including industry expert guidance, consultation, audits, provisioning protection and insurance coverage, state-of-the-art breach defense, and company training for personnel.
Prevention is the Best Strategy
The best time to act against cyber-crime is before you experience an incident.
Contact Us Today to Schedule an Initial Audit and Consultation